1. Comparative Financial Statements (Income Statement & Balance Sheet) 2. Assets purchased or sold throughout the year 3. Business expenses paid out of your personal account (I advise against this) 4. Details about your home office (if you have one) 5. Vehicle business use mileage logs for the year Already have a headache just thinking about all of this? We are here to help! Let Affinity Accounting Solutions LLC provide accurate bookkeeping services for you and prepare your tax return, or we can work with your favorite CPA to get them the information they need to file your tax return. Either way, let us help you take the headache out of tax time.

Save money this tax season by preparing your books in advance. Provide your accountant with all the necessary forms and documents ahead of time. Chances are if your accountant is waiting on you and has to send emails or message you back and forth to request additional information than you are looking at additional billing. Provide all the end of year bank statements, credit card statements, and loan statements as soon as you close your December's books. Double check your outstanding checks for items that probably will never clear the bank, and therefore need to be voided. Don't forget to check your accounts receivable balances. Do you need to write anything off? Someone else handling your payroll? Great, however don't forget to provide your accountant copies of your W-3 & W-2s issued. Did you purchase new business assets throughout the year? Don't forget to mention these new purchases to your accountant. Also mention ones you sold or disposed of as well. Preparation is key for tax time. It will save you hundreds on your taxes.